Tags: YoungstaCPT

WATCH: Religion and Rap

WATCH: Religion and Rap

I know, I know, it looks like this has turned into a YoungstaCPT fan site. I suppose the kid has been working the press. The last time he was in Jozi, he and I spoke about his song, 786, and the links it has to Islam and parts of Cape...
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On: 3T

On: 3T

“Can you believe the internet was down,” he asks me rhetorically as he sits down. He shakes his head. “But things like that always happen to me,” he smirks and then says: “The internet only went down when I arrived, they’ve never had that happen to anyone else.” If I...
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On: YoungstaCPT

On: YoungstaCPT

YoungstaCPT and his team are in the basement parking lot of a Joburg radio station. Teargas’ breakout hit, Chance, is not a song that would typically be played by this station but it is blaring through YoungstaCPT’s car’s speakers. I’m surprised to hear the rapper blaze this throwback tune but...
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On: YoungstaCPT

On: YoungstaCPT

If I were Sydney Shaw, my opening question when sitting down with any rapper would be “So, when did you fall in love with hip-hop?” But, no matter how many Rens and Tens show up in the music industry, this is not Brown Sugar. And luckily for me, Riyadh “Youngsta”...
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