film & tv

Staceyann and Zuri

I'm trying to sort my email life out so I'm coming across all these things I was meant to watch/read/try. I've been meaning to check out Staceyann and Zuri Chin's Living Room Protest vlogs. Today, I'm glad I did. Isn't this the sweetest thing you've seen all day?
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On: Drew Pearce/Iron Man 3

The highly anticipated Iron Man 3 hit the big screen yesterday. In an exclusive interview with Tonight, Drew Pearce, who is the co-writer of the film, chatted about the screenplay, romance and working with the most inappropriate man he knows. By Helen Herimbi. Drew Pearce loves his job. This British...
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On: Fix Moeti

South African-born world traveller Fikile “Fix” Moeti is making a comeback to radio. She spoke to Helen Herimbi about home, hair and the hustle. Memories don’t live like people do/Baby, don’t forget me, I’m a travelling man/Moving through phases, space and time, I’ve got a lot of things I’ve got...
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On: Akin Omotoso

On: Akin Omotoso

Akin Omotoso’s second feature film, Man On Ground, is a work close to the filmmaker’s heart, writes Helen Herimbi. The revolving doors swivelled in the silence. Everyone sat so still that wind colliding with skin would sound like a scream. Then Hakeem Kae-Kazim walked through the hotel’s merry-go-round-like entrance and...
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On: Kimora Lee Simmons

Kimora Lee Simmons is a mogul and a mom but, as Helen Herimbi found out, the latter is her favourite job. Tall as a skyscraper, Kimora Lee Simmons hunches down to speak to her husband, Oscar-nominated actor, Djimon Hounsou. She asks if he’d like something to drink, water maybe? His...
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On: Themba Ndaba

Themba Ndaba chats about playing the bad guy, remaining convincing and being a platinum blonde, writes Helen Herimbi. Themba Ndaba is dressed to the nines. He walks tall in the BEE uniform: a high collared shirt with a suede jacket and pointy club shoes to match. He is wearing the...
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