I have an extremely complicated relationship with feminism – especially Twiminism and social media declarations. But, I have always felt like you can show me who you are better than you can tell me. S▲mmus has consistently done that throughout her career. So when I saw her post an Insta video of a song she’d recently made in honour of Ida B Wells, I was cheesing really, really hard. And not just because of the bit about white ladies never giving her wings.

Her Instagram is private so you’ll have to follow her to see that video.

Oh! The rapper-producer and Kanye stan just released her EP, Infusion. I haven’t heard it yet – I’m sorry, I’m getting old – but I plan on bumping it this weekend. If you’ve heard it, let me know what you think in the comments. In the meantime, here’s the video for the Alanis Morissette-inspired Mighty Morphing, which is the single after 1080p:

In case you missed it, a few years ago, I interviewed this Ivorian-Congolese powerhouse for Afripop! Mag. You can read it over HERE.